Thursday, August 14, 2008

An Easy Change Everyone Can Make

Anyone who has a computer can make this very simple very easy change to reduce paper waste. Almost every bank credit card company and utility company offers a paperless option for your statements and bills. If you sign-in your accounts online it is usually under account options or account services. Some of you may be worried about making transactions over the internet but banks credit card companies and utility companies are continually finding ways to make your online visits more and more secure. You may also be thinking what if I like to have a copy of my bank statement? Your bank keeps copies of your statements on their servers so you can print a copy anytime you may need one. Another option I love with my bank is the online bill pay. I sign into my account enter the amounts I want to pay for each company and click a button. It is so simple and requires no checks no stamps and I have a confirmation that my payment was received. Reduce the waste- if you receive an average of 15 pieces of bills/statements mail per month and then you stop paying your 10-15 bills through the mail each month you save 500 un-necessary pieces of mail/papers from being wasted. Now take that number and times it by the number of just your friends and family. That's a ton of un-necessary paper waste. Forest Ethics has an interesting report here on the waste of junk mail and it's impact. Can you think of another simple way to reduce waste?

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