Saturday, August 9, 2008

What does it mean to me to live Green?

{These berries are from Berry Creek Farm in Westfield Vermont an organic farm~ photos by me}

At first the term being "Green" was associated with the Green Party and Environmentalist. This term has evolved to also mean a life style. I do believe that it is import to be responsible with the way we use our land air water and resources but I also believe in the freedoms we are given as American citizens. I do not belong to any political party. For me being Green means thinking about how I use what is available. How wasteful is it? Can we use something that is already there? Do I need that? Do we need to use toxic chemicals to do the job or is there something natural that will work. This blog is my daily questions thoughts and study to change my life and the life of my family to one that will be clean non-toxic responsible and self-reliant. I believe in balance in all things. I hope you find this helpful to you. I want to live to at least 100 and I want a nice non-toxic place to live through out my life. I also want to leave a beautiful place for my children & grands. This is the beginning.

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