Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Easy Homemade Household Spray Cleaner

This all purpose all natural spray cleaner recipe is easy to make & cheap as can be. The vinegar in it is an anti-viral anti-bacteria & anti-fungal so it kills all those little bugs. It is also very safe to use around the kitchen & your children.

Items needed:

-32 oz Spray bottle
-8to 10 drops Dr. Bronner's castile peppermint, lavender or almond liquid soap
-1/2 cup white vinegar
-2 teaspoons Borax

Combine all ingredients in spray bottle then tip bottle back and forth gently until ingredients are mixed. Less that a $1 a bottle to make. You can't beat that!

Did you know that Borax is a natural mineral that is used to kill ants & fleas and is anti-fungal.


Anonymous said...

Suggestions on where to get Dr. Bronner's? I've been on the lookout for natural household cleaners; I don't like the chemicals for many reasons. I have a recipe for household cleaners that involves vinegar (a classic, true), water, and some essential oils. I have yet to make it because I'm not sure where to get essential oils.

Sweet Green Living said...

Dr. Bronner's & essential oils can be found at most natural & health food stores such as Good Earth here in Utah.